This study uses a novel three-dimensional (3D) analytical and numerical analysis to determine the view factors associated with solar fields using hourly solar irradiance data acquired from Solar-GIS for the period 2007-2020, including global, beam, and sky diffuse irradiance components on horizontal plane.
Several factors influence solar field design and performance, including attenuation, cosine effects, intercept, reflectivity, and atmospheric conditions. These factors are typically evaluated for efficiency, as well as shading and blocking.
Accurate estimation of solar radiation on solar fields requires knowledge of the sky, ground, and rear side of the preceding row view factors, and an estimation of the time and space occupied by the row’s shadow. Prior literature has addressed this issue using two-dimensional (2-D) techniques such as the crossed-strings method (CSM).
A solar field consists of concentrators that absorb the sun’s rays and produce steam by the absorbed heat. (Wolfram Sparber, Chiara Dispasquale, in Urban Energy Transition (Second Edition), 2018)
In comparison, smaller solar PV fields such as rooftop installation where the aspect ratio L W is relatively small (<5), the view factors estimate exhibit significantly larger errors. In this part, author presented a case study in Libyan.
To achieve high solar field efficiencies (minimizing shading and blocking of heliostats) the receiver should be mounted at a certain height above ground. For this purpose, a tower is installed bearing the receiver on top. (Reiner Buck, Peter Schwarzbözl, in Comprehensive Energy Systems, 2018)
This research used 3-D numerical analysis to calculate the view factors of a horizontal plane fixed-mode solar PV field. However, it can equally be applied to all types of solar fields, …
This study uses a novel three-dimensional (3D) analytical and numerical analysis to determine the view factors associated with solar fields using hourly solar irradiance data acquired from Solar …
This paper analyzes a solar tower power plant driven by a heliostat solar field, which has no fuel consumption. Exergy and exergoenvironmental assessments are utilized to …
An optimal design of a photovoltaics solar field may be formulated as an objective function with a set of constraints. The problem variables include field and collector parameters. …
Solar Field Layout and Aimpoint Strategy Optimization technique. The layout improvement method we developed is heuristic in nature, and so we do not present any bounds on further …
The calculation of the solar energy (Q ˙ S u n) received by the heliostat field [W] can be determined using the following equation [59]: (1) Q ˙ S u n = I S u n ⋅ A H e l ⋅ N H e l …
Performing a detailed pier analysis on a utility scale solar project is preferable to a simple slope analysis, and modern software tools make it easy to perform. A pier analysis …
The Global Solar Atlas provides a summary of solar power potential and solar resources globally. It is provided by the World Bank Group as a free service to governments, developers and the …
The solar field is sized with a solar multiple (S M) of 2.0 for the net heat demand to produce 10MW e at the hottest summer hour. The design salt temperature at PTCF inlet is …
This section presents the recent trends for monitoring and diagnosis (M&D), based on electrical parameters directly acquired from the solar field. In principle, the …
This research used 3-D numerical analysis to calculate the view factors of a horizontal plane fixed-mode solar PV field. However, it can equally be applied to all types of solar fields, including rooftops and building façades.
In this work, we introduce an open-source tool for PV performance predictions, using satellite data. We use the tool to map solar cell performance over the entire planet for …
Field Characterization. Various techniques used in the field help characterize the optical performance of point- and line-focus optical concentrators. NREL also uses its high-flux solar …
3.1.2. Solar field analysis Solar thermal production is approached by considering the specific DNI and the corresponding solar geometry for each CCGT. The solar field is designed with LS-3 …
In this study, a theoretical analysis of a solar field augmented by a fixed reflector placed in the front between the top of the preceding row and the bottom of the succeeding row …
Shading analysis is the process of evaluating how shadows cast by objects can impact the solar radiation received by solar energy systems, especially in concentrated solar power …
Therefore, it is important to carry sensitivity analysis when designing both the solar field and TES sizes. 2.5. Water management in CSP. Water availability is a challenge for …
In this work, we introduce an open-source tool for PV performance predictions, using satellite data. We use the tool to map solar cell performance over the entire planet for standard and emerging technologies. …
This study analyzes the field performance of various solar cell designs. Most research and development efforts concerning solar cells aim to increase their efficiency or …
The solar field consists of numerous computer-controlled mirrors that track the sun individually in two axes and reflect the solar radiation onto the receiver located on the top of the tower. The …
This study introduces a novel method for predicting the sunspot number ( S N $mathrm{S}_{mathrm{N}}$ ) of Solar Cycles 25 (the current cycle) and 26 using multivariate …
This study analyzes the field performance of various solar cell designs. Most research and development efforts concerning solar cells aim to increase their efficiency or …
Most research and development efforts concerning solar cells aim to increase their efficiency or power under standard test conditions (STC). However, conducting an actual …