The Pacific Northwest is in the running to receive hundreds of millions of federal dollars to create a regional hub for the production and distribution of “clean hydrogen,” viewed by some as a key ingredient in the transition away from fossil fuels.
The Biden administration last week announced funding for seven hydrogen production hubs across the country. One of them is in the Pacific Northwest. Washington, Oregon and Montana will receive up to $1 billion for eight hydrogen projects, half of them in Washington. Hydrogen is an excellent way to store energy.
“Washington State University is thrilled with today’s news and is pleased to have been able to lend its expertise in the creation of Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub proposal. WSU has long been a leader in alternative fuel research, including hydrogen,” said Washington State University President Kirk Schulz.
“Through its investment in St. Regis, the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub will create more good-paying Montana jobs and ramp up American-made energy in the Treasure State,” Montana Governor Greg Gianforte said. “Montana will continue to embrace every opportunity to be a leader in energy innovation with our all-of-the-above energy policy.”
The new program in the Pacific Northwest intends to produce using electricity generated through hydropower, according to a press release from the senators’ offices. The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association was picked over 79 applicants.
Washington’s Department of Commerce and Oregon’s Department of Energy have leading roles in a push to secure the money, participating in the public-private Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association. The group is particularly keen on hydrogen production for heavy industry and in areas like the maritime and aviation sectors.
Funded by President Biden''s Investing in America agenda, the H2Hubs will accelerate the commercial-scale deployment of clean hydrogen—helping generate clean, …
Washington, Oregon and Montana will receive $1 billion from the federal Department of Energy to establish eight hydrogen production sites across the three states.
One of the first such facilities being developed in the U.S. is the proposed 400 MW Swan Lake Energy Storage Project in Klamath County, Oregon, and another early-stage project on the...
OLYMPIA, WA - The Washington Green Hydrogen Alliance (WGHA) (), a statewide advocacy group for Washington State''s fast-growing green hydrogen industry, today applauded …
Of course, renewable hydrogen projects are not new to Washington. Back in 2020, ... HB 1988 allows for the deferral of taxes on investments in clean technology, fuels, …
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $15 million for 12 projects across 11 states to advance next-generation, high …
The Pacific Northwest is in the running to receive hundreds of millions of federal dollars to create a regional hub for the production and distribution of "clean hydrogen," viewed …
The U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen Program, led by the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), conducts research and development in hydrogen …
Washington, Oregon and Montana will receive $1 billion from the federal Department of Energy to establish eight hydrogen production sites …
Funded by President Biden''s Investing in America agenda, the H2Hubs will accelerate the commercial-scale deployment of clean hydrogen—helping generate clean, dispatchable power, create a new form of …
The hub is one of seven around the nation that will receive up to $7 billion in federal matching funds to accelerate commercial-scale development of "green hydrogen" to generate clean power, provide new forms …
The project narrative describes a variety of uses for the hydrogen output including to make oil refining cleaner, green fertilizer production and for energy storage by …
Washington''s first hydrogen production plant is expected to go online in East Wenatchee in late 2022 or early 2023. The Port of Seattle is studying whether it wants to get …
The Calistoga Resiliency Center (CRC) is a hybrid energy storage facility that couples two commercial clean energy technologies: hydrogen fuel cells and lithium-ion batteries. The …
The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub could be home to eight hydrogen production facilities supporting the growth of green fertilizer, fuel and energy storage industries. (Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association) The …
duration energy storage capabilities and a hydrogen pipeline. NODES AND PROJECTS The …
liquefaction, liquid hydrogen storage, hydrogen delivery trailers, heavy-duty hydrogen trucks, hydrogen refueling stations, and cargo handling equipment for ports. NODES AND …
In June 2022, the Department of Energy issued a $504.4 million loan guarantee to finance Advanced Clean Energy Storage, a clean hydrogen and energy storage facility capable of …
OLYMPIA, WA - Washington State''s fast-growing green hydrogen industry today announced a new statewide advocacy group, the Washington Green Hydrogen Alliance …
Energy Vault has begun construction on a 293 MWh green hydrogen and battery storage facility within utility Pacific Gas & Electric''s service territory in northern California.
The hub is one of seven around the nation that will receive up to $7 billion in federal matching funds to accelerate commercial-scale development of "green hydrogen" to …
One of the first such facilities being developed in the U.S. is the proposed 400 MW Swan Lake Energy Storage Project in Klamath County, Oregon, and another early-stage …
The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub could be home to eight hydrogen production facilities supporting the growth of green fertilizer, fuel and energy storage …
The project narrative describes a variety of uses for the hydrogen output …
duration energy storage capabilities and a hydrogen pipeline. NODES AND PROJECTS The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub is comprised of the following eight nodes, or groups of …
Washington, Oregon and Montana will receive up to $1 billion for eight hydrogen projects, half of them in Washington. Hydrogen is an excellent way to store energy. …
Washington, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Department of Energy''s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) announced $2.4 million in funding for three projects …
The Pacific Northwest is in the running to receive hundreds of millions of federal dollars to create a regional hub for the production and distribution of "clean hydrogen," viewed by some as a ...
Washington''s first hydrogen production plant is expected to go online in East Wenatchee in late 2022 or early 2023. The Port of Seattle is studying whether it wants to get into the hydrogen fuel business.