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What is Timor-Leste's economy like?

Timor-Leste’s economy relies on converting finite, non-renewable oil and gas resources into monetary assets. Oil production began in 2005, has been declining since 2014, and is projected to cease in 2023, though it could potentially resume if additional commercial reserves are discovered and developed.

How much debt does Timor-Leste have?

Timor-Leste has no public debt to individuals, although plans are being made to issue government bonds. Foreign debt is low but growing. Contracts signed for loans from the World Bank, ADB and Japan total about $850 million, of which $280 million has been disbursed to date, all for road construction.

How can Timor-Leste reduce its trade deficit?

To narrow its trade deficit, Timor-Leste could reduce imports by strengthening agriculture and light industry to meet domestic needs and by replacing electricity generated from imported diesel fuel with renewable energy. Community-based tourism could generate much-needed foreign exchange.

Should Timor-Leste diversify its economy?

A serious effort is required to diversify the economy and develop the non-oil sectors based on Timor-Leste’s greatest asset – its people. Currently undeveloped oil and gas resources, including Sunrise, might fund the country for a few more years, but they cannot match the amount of revenue already received.

Does Timor-Leste have a security problem?

According to an Asia Foundation survey in early 2022, 61% of people in Timor-Leste believe that security has improved over the past year. Only 4% think it has worsened. However, 53% expressed concern about tensions in their community, an increase since 2018. No recent polling data on inter-citizen trust is available.

Is Timor-Leste a good place to start a business?

Private enterprises are legally allowed to operate in Timor-Leste. The state has tried to offer local entrepreneurs legal security and a significant share of opportunities for public contracts, although this has sometimes been conducted in a clientelistic fashion. At 10%, corporate and personal income tax rates are among the lowest in the world.

Timor Leste Saltwater Batteries Market (2024-2030) | Growth, …

Timor Leste Saltwater Batteries Price Trends; Timor Leste Saltwater Batteries Porter''s Five Forces; ... 6.1.1 Overview and Analysis. 6.1.2 Timor Leste Saltwater Batteries Market …

Market Analysis of Selected Agricultural Products

FEA Financial and Economic Analysis GAFSP Global Agriculture Food Security Program GAPs Good Agriculture Practices GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit …

Timor Leste Power Tool Batteries Market (2024

Timor Leste Power Tool Batteries Price Trends; Timor Leste Power Tool Batteries Porter''s Five Forces; ... 6.1.1 Overview and Analysis. 6.1.2 Timor Leste Power Tool Batteries Market …

Timor Leste EV Battery Market (2024-2030) | Value, Share, Trends ...

Timor Leste EV Battery Market Trend Evolution; Timor Leste EV Battery Market Drivers and Challenges; Timor Leste EV Battery Price Trends; Timor Leste EV Battery Porter''s Five …

Timor Leste Advanced Battery Market (2024-2030) | Industry, …

Timor Leste Advanced Battery Market is expected to grow during 2023-2029 Timor Leste Advanced Battery Market (2024-2030) | Industry, Trends, Segmentation, Size & Revenue, …

Timor-Leste: Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) Market

The report analyses the battery electric vehicles (bevs) market in Timor-Leste. It covers the market size, structure, dynamics, and other characteristics. Visit to learn more

Prices: Consumer Price Index for Timor-Leste (TLSPCPIPCPPPT)

Graph and download economic data for Prices: Consumer Price Index for Timor-Leste (TLSPCPIPCPPPT) from 2001 to 2029 about East Timor, consumer prices, consumer, …

Timor Leste Cement Market (2024-2030) | Trends, Outlook

Timor Leste Cement Price Trends; Timor Leste Cement Porter`s Five Forces; ... 6.2.1 Overview and Analysis. 6.2.2 Timor Leste Cement Market Revenues & Volume, By Residential, 2020 …

Battery Electrolyte Market Trends, Analysis, Statistics 2023-2030

4. Price Trends Analysis and Future Projects, 2019 - 2030 4.1. Key Highlights 4.2. Prominent Factors Affecting Prices 4.3. By Electrolyte Type 4.4. By Region 5. Global Battery Electrolyte …

Batteries in Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste imports Batteries primarily from: Indonesia ($333k), China ($124k), Japan ($64.5k), United States ($57.6k), and Australia ($30.6k). The fastest growing import markets in Batteries …


In Timor-Leste food prices increased despite the fall in the global food price index, increasing in March by 10.9% (YoY) and 5.8% (QoQ). Rice is a main staple in Timor and the world price of …

Timor Leste Luxembourg E-bike Market (2024-2030) | Share, …

Timor Leste Luxembourg E-bike Price Trends; ... By Battery Type. 6.3.1 Overview and Analysis. 6.3.2 Timor Leste Luxembourg E-bike Market Revenues & Volume, By Lead Acid Battery, …

Timor Leste Advanced Battery Market (2024-2030) | Industry, Trends …

Timor Leste Advanced Battery Market is expected to grow during 2023-2029 Timor Leste Advanced Battery Market (2024-2030) | Industry, Trends, Segmentation, Size & Revenue, …

Timor Leste Cement and Concrete Market (2024-2030) | Trends, …

Timor Leste Cement and Concrete Price Trends; ... 6.2.1 Overview and Analysis. 6.2.2 Timor Leste Cement and Concrete Market Revenues & Volume, By Residential, 2020-2030F ...

Electric Batteries in Timor-Leste

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BTI 2024 Timor-Leste Country Report

Since oil and gas revenues declined in 2015, Timor-Leste''s current account balance has fluctuated with the (unrealized) price of its investments in international stocks and bonds. …

BTI 2024 Timor-Leste Country Report

Since oil and gas revenues declined in 2015, Timor-Leste''s current account balance has fluctuated with the (unrealized) price of its investments in international stocks and bonds. Trade in non-oil goods and services runs an …

Dropout Trend Analysis: Timor Leste

DROPOUT TREND ANALYSIS: TIMOR LESTE. Contract No . EDH-I-00-05-00029-00 Task Order AID-OAA-TO-10-00010 . August 2011 This study was produced for review by the United …

Battery Electrolyte Market Size, Industry Share and forecast

Battery electrolyte market is probable to grow at 12% CAGR. It is projected to reach above USD 16.62 Billion by 2029 from USD 6 Billion in 2020.

Timor Leste Multi Cell Battery Market (2024

Timor Leste Multi Cell Battery Market (2024-2030) | Forecast, Industry, Growth, Size & Revenue, Trends, Outlook, Analysis, Share, Companies, Segmentation, Value, Competitive Landscape

Timor Leste Battery Diagnostics And Repair Market (2024-2030 ...

Timor Leste Battery Diagnostics And Repair Price Trends; Timor Leste Battery Diagnostics And Repair Porter''s Five Forces; ... 6.3.1 Overview and Analysis. 6.3.2 Timor Leste Battery …

Timor Leste Automotive Battery Market (2024-2030) | Trends, …

Timor Leste Automotive Battery Market is expected to grow during 2023-2029 Timor Leste Automotive Battery Market (2024-2030) | Trends, Competitive Landscape, Size & Revenue, …