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What is a green chemistry lesson plan?

In this green chemistry lesson plan, students will build and test their own dye-sensitized solar cells using dye from blackberries. Along the way, they will learn about the principles of green chemistry and evaluate how solar cell manufacturing can go green. Consider this process against the twelve principles of green chemistry.

How do I teach students about solar panels?

Hand out the Student Background Worksheet. Have students read article #1 (How Green Are Those Solar Panels, Really?) independently or read it as a class. You may also want to assign this article as homework reading prior to class. Discuss the article and ask the students what they now think about solar panels.

Are solar cells a green chemistry technology?

This is because traditional solar cells are expensive and inefficient (typically 11-18% of the sunlight they absorb is converted to electricity). To be considered a green chemistry technology, the technology must demonstrate three standards: performance, safety, and cost benefits.

How do I teach students about photovoltaic systems?

Instruct students to study the Reading Passage, “Introduction to Photovoltaic Systems,” and complete the questions and vocabulary. This activity will help them learn about PV systems and some of their applications. Key vocabulary words in the Reading Passage will assist them in understanding the Lab Activity instructions.

What is solar energy & how does it work?

Solar energy, or energy from the sun, is a free, readily available, plentiful resource that can be collected by solar cells to generate electricity. Although solar cells have been around for a long time, their use for energy generation is not widespread.

How do solar cells work?

Concentrator cells: A higher light intensity will be focused on the solar cells by the use of mirror and lens systems. This system tracks the sun, always using direct radiation. MIS Inversion Layer cells: the inner electrical field are not produced by a p-n junction, but by the junction of a thin oxide layer to a semiconductor.

Make a Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell | Lesson Plan

In this green chemistry lesson plan, students will build and test their own dye-sensitized solar …

Five Easy Solar Power Experiments for Kids ( STEAM / STEM )

Here are 5 solar power experiments you can try at home! 1. Solar Oven . Materials. Pizza box {empty} Aluminum foil; Plastic wrap; ... With experiments already developed, our science kits …

Experiments with PV Cells

Solar energy can be part of a mixture of renewable energy sources used to meet the need for electricity. Using photovoltaic cells (also called solar cells), solar energy can be converted into …

Exploring Solar Energy Student Guide (7 Activities)

Solar-powered toys, calculators, and roadside telephone call boxes all use solar cells to …

Exploring Solar Energy Student Guide (7 Activities)

Photovoltaic cells are also called PV cells or solar cells for short. You are probably familiar with photovoltaic cells. Solar-powered toys, calculators, and roadside telephone call boxes all use …

Lesson and Lab Activity with Photovoltaic Cells

Lesson on Photovoltaic Cells In this lesson you will be introduced to the history and theory of Photovoltaic (PV) cells. You will also, hopefully, begin to realize the importance of PV cells and …

Elementary School, Experiment with Solar Power Science Projects

Solar cells are an alternative method for generating electricity directly from sunlight. With this project, you can get down to the atomic level and learn about the world of solid-state …

Photovoltaic cells

This solar panel STEM project provides a practical, hands-on way to understand the working of photovoltaic cells and their integration into a simple product. Download our activity overview …

Experiments with PV Cells

Solar energy can be part of a mixture of renewable energy sources used to meet the need for …

Solar Cell Experiments, Labs, Science Fair Projects and Background ...

Solar Cell K-12 Experiments, Labs and Background Information For Science Labs, Lesson …

Design and Build a Solar Car Science Project + Lesson

For more solar science fun, check out these projects: ... Solar Power Science Lesson The Sun: The Ultimate Power Source. Every morning the sun rises, bringing light and heat to the earth, …


operation of a solar cell. They will learn how a single crystal silicon cell accepts energy from light and turns it into electricity. Objectives: Students will be able to: (a) Explain the atomic …

Sixth Grade, Experiment with Solar Power Science Projects

Solar cells are an alternative method for generating electricity directly from sunlight. With this project, you can get down to the atomic level and learn about the world of solid-state …

Solar Cell Experiments, Labs, Science Fair Projects and …

Solar Cell K-12 Experiments, Labs and Background Information For Science Labs, Lesson Plans, Class Activities & Science Fair Projects For Middle School and High School Students and …

Experiment with Solar Power Science Projects (9 results)

Solar cells are an alternative method for generating electricity directly from sunlight. With this project, you can get down to the atomic level and learn about the world of solid-state …

Utilizing Photovoltaic Cells and Systems (Nine Activities)

purposes. The following projects allow students to set up their own investigaations and …

Solar Cells

Have your students find out by building their own solar cells using berry juice. This activity can be geared towards middle or high school students and meets NGSS standards. Topics that can …


operation of a solar cell. They will learn how a single crystal silicon cell accepts energy from …

Lesson and Lab Activity with Photovoltaic Cells

Lesson on Photovoltaic Cells In this lesson you will be introduced to the history and theory of …

Utilizing Photovoltaic Cells and Systems (Nine Activities)

purposes. The following projects allow students to set up their own investigaations and manipulate variables surrounding photovoltaic cells. These projects can be easily integrated into a normal …

Lesson Plan: Solar & Lunar Eclipses

Lesson Plan: Solar & Lunar Eclipses Background The Earth is a planet that, together with seven other planets, forms our solar system in which all of the planets revolve ... Appropriate for …

Classroom Experiments | The Solar Spark

Solar Cells and Absorption. Subjects: Chemistry, Investigations and projects, Physics, Science; …

Solar Cells

Have your students find out by building their own solar cells using berry juice. This activity can …

Solar-Powered Cars for Junior Solar Sprints | Lesson …

Background Information for Teachers This section contains a quick review for teachers of the science and concepts covered in this lesson. Building solar cars for the Junior Solar Sprint creates a hands-on opportunity for students to learn …

Classroom Experiments | The Solar Spark

Solar Cells and Absorption. Subjects: Chemistry, Investigations and projects, Physics, Science; Suitable for: All; Equipment List Instructions: Solar Cell in a Drinking Straw. Make a …

Exploring Solar Energy Student Guide (7 Activities)

Solar-powered toys, calculators, and roadside telephone call boxes all use solar cells to convert sunlight into electricity. Solar cells are made of two thin pieces of silicon, the substance that …

Make a Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell | Lesson Plan

In this green chemistry lesson plan, students will build and test their own dye-sensitized solar cells using dye from blackberries. Along the way, they will learn about the principles of green …

Solar Cell Experiments, Labs, Science Fair Projects and …

Solar cell K-12 projects, experiments and background information for science labs, lesson plans, class activities and science fair projects for elementary, middle and high school students and …