The analysis reveals distinct emphases on technologies such as lithium-ion and waste battery recycling, highlighting notable differences in patent activities among key …
Discover the how, what & why of patents and IP with specific examples for chemistry, materials & battery technology companies. Ideal for SMEs & start-ups.
This study builds on battery patents that can roughly be characterized in the …
2018 battery patent watch service: get updated data on battery patent activity. With the booming number of companies involved in battery IP and the proliferation of battery technologies, take advantage of quarterly updated …
As the drive towards renewable energy use gains pace, there has been an increase in global patent filings relating to battery technology. While lithium-ion batteries …
Conventional lithium-ion battery technology is reaching its limit. Current batteries are heavy, have limited range, and have fundamental limitations. ... Patents and Patent Applications. 100+ Our partners. Partnerships and Progress. View all. …
Discover the how, what & why of patents and IP with specific examples for …
The number of patent filings in 2022 for battery recycling focused on lithium was almost 200% higher than for nickel, cobalt or copper, intellectual property law firm …
This study builds on battery patents that can roughly be characterized in the following way: (1) inventions related to the casing, wrapping, or covering, i.e., non-active parts …
Battery domain combines major market stakes with an increasing and diversifying number of innovations and involved companies. What are the main patents, technologies and competitive …
these patents into 22,644 patent families, with each family containing all patents resulting from the same initial application (named the ''priority application''). • 515 advanced batteries patents are …
IP newcomers in the field of solid-state Li-ion batteries are mostly Chinese companies. In 2022, more than 320 new patent applicants entered the solid-state Li-ion …
We breakdown current R&D efforts in the race to find high performance battery materials and look at how to patent different battery technologies. People. ... Other companies such as Toyota …
Figure 15 - Percentage of Leading Advanced Batteries Company Patent Families Linked via Citations to Earlier VTO/Other DOE-funded Advanced Batteries Patents ..... 26 Figure 16 - …
The top filers in the US and Europe include Toyota (841 patent families), Panasonic (618 patent families), and Samsung (205 patent families).
Accordingly, manufacturers are constantly improving battery cell systems. Patents are fundamental to protect R&D time and effort and (importantly) maximise a …
these patents into 22,644 patent families, with each family containing all patents resulting from …
As the drive towards renewable energy use gains pace, there has been an increase in global patent filings relating to battery technology. While lithium-ion batteries currently dominate the battery market, they have several …
Tesla also sells electric vehicle powertrain components to other vehicle manufacturers, as well as battery systems for homes, commercial sites and utilities. Tesla …
Even though most Japanese companies had started filing patents on solid-state batteries many years earlier, some of them only joined the IP landscape in 2022, such as …
The top filers in the US, Canada, and Europe between 2017-2021 were US aerospace company Lockheed Martin (228 patent families) and Japanese company Sumitomo …
This makes investing in QuantamScape potentially more hazardous compared to other solid-state battery companies. Solid Power, Inc. Track all markets on TradingView ... has …
Key Patents in Solid State Battery Battery and manufacturing method thereof (CN116583974A) The battery includes a storage element with a positive electrode, negative …
This study reveals distinct emphases on technologies such as lithium-ion and waste battery recycling, highlighting notable differences in patent activities among key …