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What algorithm determines the optimal location and size of capacitors?

And in , another algorithm called the whale optimization algorithm to find the optimal location and size for capacitors. Finally, a genetic algorithm determines the optimal location and size for capacitors . ... ...

How to solve optimal capacitor placement problem based on loss sensitivity factors?

In , a two-stage method was used to solve the optimal capacitor placement problem based on loss sensitivity factors (LSFs) to determine the optimal locations and the plant growth simulation algorithm (PGSA) to estimate the optimal sizes of capacitors.

How did Tabatabaei and Vahidi find the optimal capacitor placement?

Tabatabaei and Vahidi introduced the optimal capacitor placement using the fuzzy decision-making and the bacteria foraging algorithm (BFA). The installation node was selected by the fuzzy reasoning supported by the fuzzy set theory in a step-by-step procedure, while the BFA was utilized in solving the optimization problem.

What is optimal capacitor placement problem?

Hence optimal capacitor placement problem is a complex, combinatorial, mixed integer, and non-linear optimisation problem. ... ... It is widely recognized that installing capacitors along the DS reduces a portion of the power loss, increasing the overall efficacy of the power delivery.

Can a capacitor bank be optimally placed in a distribution system?

The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks in distribution systems, with the definition of a suitable control pattern, have been proved. Figures - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Content may be subject to copyright.

Can a genetic algorithm be used for optimal planning of capacitor banks?

In this context, a genetic algorithm is proposed for optimal planning of capacitor banks. A case study derived from a real network, considering the application of suitable daily profiles for loads and generators, to obtain a better representation of the electrical conditions, is discussed in the present paper.


Thus the optimal capacitor placement problem is to determine the location and size of capacitors to be placed in distribution networks in an efficient way to reduce the power losses and …


This paper presents a new methodology using fuzzy and Real Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) for the placement of capacitors on the primary feeders of the radial distribution systems to …

Optimal capacitor allocations using evolutionary algorithms

Abstract: This article investigates the implementation of integrated evolutionary algorithms based for solving the capacitor placement optimisation problem with reduced annual operating cost. …

Optimal Sizing and Placement of Capacitor Banks in Distribution ...

Nowadays, response to electricity consumption growth is mainly supported by efficiency; therefore, this is the new main goal in the development of electric distribution …

Investigation of the behaviour of supercapacitors using theoretical …

The instantaneous conductivity of a supercapacitor using a line transmission model is about 0.10071 S/cm and energy 0.152 J. Moreover, we analyse the variation of …

A 12-Bit SAR ADC with Binary Search Calibration Algorithm for a …

This paper proposes a 12-bit SAR ADC capable of calibrating a split capacitor using a binary search technique for bio-signal processing applications. The proposed SAR …

Investigation of the behaviour of supercapacitors using theoretical ...

The instantaneous conductivity of a supercapacitor using a line transmission model is about 0.10071 S/cm and energy 0.152 J. Moreover, we analyse the variation of …

(PDF) Capacitor Voltage Balancing Algorithm with …

Capacitor Voltage Balancing Algorithm with Redundant Level Modulation for a Five Level Converter with Reduced Device Count November 2020 DOI: 10.1109/IPEMC-ECCEAsia48364.2020.9367875

Decoupling capacitors selection algorithm based on maximum …

A decoupling capacitors (decaps) selection algorithm based on maximum anti-resonance points of the power distribution network and the quality factor (Q) of the capacitor is …

Capacitor Selection -Iteration of Nominal Goal Value.

The optimized capacitance value, at the Main Switch end of the PFN, is 37.594 nF (nominally 18.797 nF per 10 Ω line) [see Table 2]: this corresponds to a nominal capacitor value of …

Optimal Sizing and Placement of Capacitor Banks in …

The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks in distribution systems, with the definition of a suitable control pattern, have...

Decoupling capacitors selection algorithm based on …

A decoupling capacitors (decaps) selection algorithm based on maximum anti-resonance points of the power distribution network and the quality factor (Q) of the capacitor is proposed. The experimental results show that the …

Theoretical and experimental capacitor values.

More specifically, this algorithm, which is inspired by the well-established crystallographic principles underlying the formation of crystalline solids in nature, is applied to the optimization...

Optimal Sizing and Placement of Capacitor Banks in Distribution ...

The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks in distribution systems, with the definition of a suitable control …

Capacitor Placement Optimization using Fuzzy Logic and Genetic …

algorithm is one of the computational techniques that is suitable with a very large solution space. The parameters used for the objective function in the genetic algorithm are the cost of …

Capacitor Selection -Iteration of Nominal Goal Value.

The optimized capacitance value, at the Main Switch end of the PFN, is 37.594 nF (nominally 18.797 nF per 10 Ω line) [see Table 2]: this corresponds to a nominal capacitor value of 19.008 nF...

Improved Transient Response Control Strategy and Design …

of two banks of capacitors shown as one possible example in Fig. 1: "backbone" capacitors and "supporting" capacitors. The configuration will be described as y-z, where y is the number of …

Capacitor Selection -Iteration of Nominal Goal Value.

To assess the theoretical effect of entering the capacitor values into the selection algorithm in ascending order, the values were re-entered into the algorithm in random order. ... View in full ...


Thus the optimal capacitor placement problem is to determine the location and size of capacitors to be placed in distribution networks in an efficient way to reduce the power losses and …

2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission …

Theoretical analysis is also provided to present the closed-loop behavior of the proposed control scheme. Moreover, an FCS-MPC algorithm is proposed to track the required current …

Optimal Sizing and Placement of Capacitor Banks in Distribution ...

A tabu search-based algorithm for optimal capacitor placement in a radial distribution system is proposed in [10]; the objective function adopted is similar to the [5] case.

Optimal Capacitor Placement for Power Loss Reduction and …

Tamilselvan et al. used the flower pollination algorithm (FPA) to find the optimal locations and sizes of capacitors in the radial distribution system for minimizing the total power …

(PDF) Optimal Capacitor Placement in Distribution Networks …

The bus currents are determined Pi Qi S ji S ij TL ij (8) The theoretical foundations for genetic algorithms were first described by John Holland [10] and then presented tutorially by David …

Total Harmonic Distortion Optimization of Multilevel Inverters …

Multilevel converter plays an important role in high- and medium-power applications, such as renewable energy generation systems and power transmission. One of …

Capacitor Placement Using Bat Algorithm for Maximum Annual

optimal capacitor placement plays an important role in minimizing the losses through proper installation and sizing which can be achieved by using optimization techniques. Su et al. …