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How many shunt capacitors will be installed in the Waikato Region?

The Waikato region will also have an additional 250 Mvar of shunt capacitors installed by 2020 to strengthen the transfer capability of the core grid into the WUNI region. This high compensation level can lead to the transient over-voltage issues described above.

Why is the Waikato & upper North Island voltage stability a problem?

Since 2012, over 1000 MW of generation capacity has been decommissioned in the Waikato and Upper North Island regions. This generation reduction coupled with the actual and expected demand growth in the Waikato and Upper North Island raises significant voltage stability risks.

What is a series capacitor?

Series capacitors reduce the electrical length of transmission circuits to obtain the desired load division among parallel circuits and/or to improve system stability. Series capacitors on the Brownhill–Whakamaru circuits have been previously modelled as part of the earlier North Island Grid Upgrade investigation.

When will shunt capacitors & SVCs be installed?

The scheme will be installed in the WUNI region with an expected commissioning date of 2022. The other modelled projects include shunt capacitors and SVCs as representation of static and dynamic reactive support component to increase voltage stability limit outside the immediate investment horizon (2023-2024).

Which distribution capacitors are explicitly modelled?

Known distribution capacitors are explicitly modelled. Distribution network – the distribution network represents the impedance of transformers and circuits in the distribution networks. They are modelled as a transformer between the grid exit point and the load.

What is a static synchronous compensator?

Transpower’s consultation document entitled Waikato and Upper North Island Voltage Management Short List Consultation June 2019. A static synchronous compensator is a device that provides fast reactive power compensation. A static var compensator is a device that provides fast reactive power compensation. Transient over-voltage.

List of power stations in New Zealand

Graph of New Zealand electricity generation capacity by year. This is a list of power stations in New Zealand. The list is not exhaustive – only power stations over 0.5 MW and significant …

Understanding Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers (CCVTs) …

Explore the construction, functionality, and testing of Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers (CCVTs) in power grids. Gain insights from expert Volney Naranjo, as he delves …

What''s the Role of Shunt Capacitor in Electrical Distribution

Capacitor banks are common within power substation or systems that supply energy to businesses and residents within a particular region. An improved voltage profile …


Capacitors from Jaycar, including specialty types like trimmer and super caps, provide the versatility and performance needed to bridge the gap between idea and reality. Whether tuning …

Hitachi Energy STATCOM delivers safe and reliable power to New Zealand ...

Hitachi Energy has commissioned a 150 MVAr Static Compensator alongside Transpower''s Hamilton Substation to improve voltage stability and supply quality for electricity …

GETS | Transpower New Zealand Limited

As part of the Waikato and Upper North Island voltage management (WUNIVM) investigation, Transpower has identified the need to install series capacitors on the BHL-WKM circuits (refer …

Distribution substations

More than 100 years of experience in building and upgrading air-insulated, gas-insulated and hybrid switchgear substations around the world enables Hitachi Energy to meet all kinds of …

Waikato and Upper North Island Voltage Management Investigation

5 November 2020: Transpower will commence work on the first phase of its Waikato Upper-North Island Voltage Management (WUNIVM) project which will see the installation of a grid stability …

Electricity Regulations 1997

AS/NZS 3000 means the Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard known as AS/NZS 3000:2000 (Australia/New Zealand Wiring Rules); and includes the amendment to that standard known as …

HVDC Inter-Island

The HVDC Inter-Island link is a 610 km (380 mi) long, 1200 MW high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission system connecting the electricity networks of the North Island and South Island of New Zealand together. It is commonly …

Substation Jobs in New Zealand, Job Vacancies

Find your ideal job at SEEK with 154 Substation jobs found in New Zealand. View all our Substation vacancies now with new jobs added daily! Jobs on SEEK - New Zealand''s no. 1 …

Transpower New Zealand Limited

Transpower''s aim in this process is to seek and obtain submissions from organisations who are interested in submitting a tender for the provision of series capacitors …


Waikato and Upper North Island Voltage Management Investigation © Transpower New Zealand Limited. All rights reserved. 6 1 Introduction This document is the Power Systems Analysis …

Grid capability and configuration

The Transpower substation Single Line Diagram (Operating) defines Transpower''s operational assets (and customer operational assets where the SLD is of mutual …

Waikato and Upper North Island Voltage Management Investigation

Hitachi Energy has commissioned a 150 MVAr Static Compensator alongside Transpower''s Hamilton Substation to improve voltage stability and supply quality for electricity …

Guidelines and information for substation design

Substations must be designed to achieve: acceptable reliability; safe operation for workers, public and property; ease of maintenance; minimum life cycle costs and to comply with legislative …


Capacitors are installed in substations to help maintain voltage in the transmission system. a transmission line connects to an interface at the substation known as a bus. for example, a …

100 uF 500 VDC Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors – Mouser New Zealand

100 uF 500 VDC Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for 100 uF 500 VDC Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors. …


Electricity is transported at high voltage (up to 220,000 volts) through a high‑voltage alternating current system around New Zealand. To transfer electricity between the North and South …


of the System Operator. There is a total of 610 Mvar of capacitors, -30 Mvar of inductors and +310/-201 Mvar of dynamic compensation presently available. The dynamic reactive …

Substation Engineer Jobs in New Zealand, Job Vacancies

Find your ideal job at SEEK with 135 Substation Engineer jobs found in New Zealand. View all our Substation Engineer vacancies now with new jobs added daily! Jobs on SEEK - New …