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Can I send lithium-ion batteries within the UK?

When exposed to high temperatures, lithium-ion batteries have been known to overheat and even explode. For this reason, we have some restrictions when sending lithium-ion batteries through our network. You can send lithium-ion batteries within the UK, as long as the battery is fitted within the device.

Can I ship a lithium battery abroad?

When shipping abroad, lithium batteries must remain inside their associated device. It is not possible to ship lithium batteries separately. Plus, when shipping lithium batteries abroad you must also check the specific rules in the country that you are shipping to. What is the difference between a lithium cell and a lithium battery?

How many lithium batteries can I send in a package?

For any package containing lithium batteries, you will need to include the relevant handling label, accompanied by a Transport Document. How many batteries can I send in each package? You can only send a maximum of 2 lithium batteries (or 4 lithium cells) in a single package.

How should lithium batteries be packaged?

When preparing shipments containing lithium batteries, it is important to ensure the batteries are not in any way defective, damaged, or have the potential to produce a dangerous evolution of heat, fire or short circuit. When packaging lithium batteries for shipment, strong rigid outer packaging must be used.

Does FedEx ship lithium batteries?

FedEx adheres to IATA regulations for shipping lithium batteries by air and ADR regulations for shipping lithium batteries by road in Europe. Regulations on how to ship lithium batteries vary depending on which type you are shipping. Typically found in watches and cameras, they contain metallic lithium and are also called primary lithium batteries.

Are lithium ion batteries rechargeable?

Lithium metal batteries are generally single use and contain metallic lithium. Lithium ion batteries in contrast contain lithium which is only present in an ionic form in the electrolyte. They are also rechargeable. Are there different types within this? Yes, there are many different chemistries within these broader classifications.

Return of li-ion batteries

These rules affect shipments and returns in the commercial and private sectors. In addition to individual lithium-ion batteries, entire devices with built-in or enclosed batteries are also …

Shipping a battery

They were adamant that nothing could be done on price and I would need to ship the package to them and they''d refund the shipping cost. I asked if I could make a …

How To Ship Batteries | UPS

A UPS guide to help you safely pack and ship many kinds of batteries including lithium metal, damaged or defective batteries and alkaline or certain non-spillable lead-acid batteries.

How to Ship Wet, Dry, and Lithium Batteries | FedEx

Learn how to ship your batteries with our guide. Discover how to identify your wet or dry battery and how to secure them for shipping. Our guidelines for shipping lithium batteries will help …

Shipping a battery

I asked if I could make a complaint that their returns (or sales) information should include a disclaimer for Lithium Ion batteries that there are courier restrictions. Rather …

Shipping lithium batteries | United Kingdom

Typically found in mobile phones or laptops, they contain lithium polymer and are also called secondary lithium batteries. How can I ship lithium batteries? Please read our Dangerous …

Returning you Battery Station Order

We will refund your order within 14 working days of receipt, however we usually refund within 1 - 2 working days. It can take a few days after issuing a refund for it to appear on your card …

Payment & Delivery Archives

Shipping costs to Alaska and Hawaii may be higher due to federal law that requires that batteries ship Air Freight and have Hazmat protection. If you need to return a battery, a 10% restocking …

How to Ship Lithium, Dry, and Wet, Batteries Internationally

When you''re shipping lithium-ion batteries by air, it''s essential to follow specific regulations regarding their state of charge (SoC). The SoC, which reflects the battery''s charge …

FAQs: Shipping Lithium Batteries Safely & Legally

When shipping abroad, lithium batteries must remain inside their associated device. It is not possible to ship lithium batteries separately. Plus, when shipping lithium batteries abroad you must also check the specific rules …

Need to return Li-on battery but how?

I''m liaising with them to come to a compromise regarding a refund given that it will cost £5 (untracked) or £10 (tracked) to send it back. They have agreed to pay up to £10. …

How To Ship Batteries | UPS

Effective July 1, 2015, all existing customers and new customers who wish to ship lithium metal batteries without equipment (UN3090) via UPS ® Air services must obtain pre-approval from …

How to Ship Lithium, Dry, and Wet, Batteries …

When you''re shipping lithium-ion batteries by air, it''s essential to follow specific regulations regarding their state of charge (SoC). The SoC, which reflects the battery''s charge level compared to its full capacity, must not …

Lithium Batteries& Cells

Lithium battery shipping information for air transport referenced in this guide (including pictured labels) are based on the 2022 International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous …

Lithium Upgrade

Please note some battery returns may require special documentation and packaging, and these instances will encounter extra fees. This is in order to correctly comply with lithium battery …

Sending a lithium battery back to Amazon

I contacted amazon and they said since its lithium battery they don''t give a prepaid label but would refund postage of up to 4.75 upon me sending a receipt. While not …

Return For redit Request Form

1. Be sure lithium-ion batteries are locked in battery drawer of hearing device. 2. Never return loose lithium-ion batteries back to Oticon for any reason. 3. Affix Non-Restricted Lithium-ion …

Sending Batteries Safely by Courier | DHL eCommerce UK

A lot of everyday items are battery-powered, from watches and toys to laptops and phones. But what are the rules when you want to send one of these items and how exactly do you se

FAQs: Shipping Lithium Batteries Safely & Legally | GWP Group

When shipping abroad, lithium batteries must remain inside their associated device. It is not possible to ship lithium batteries separately. Plus, when shipping lithium …

Return & Refund policy

Please note that a double shipping fee may be deducted from the original payment if you reject the shipments. You''ll be charged for shipping and a transaction fee (2.6% for credit card users, …

Return & Refund policy

For more details, please refer to our EcoFlow Lithium Battery Return Instruction: https: ... Return Shipping Cost. Please note that return shipping costs include shipping costs and handling …