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How can a laser-driven coil generate a magnetic field over 100 t?

One of the methods is a laser-driven coil, which can generate the maximum magnetic field over 100 T by using high-power lasers whose intensity is \ (\sim 10^ {15}\) W/cm \ (^2\). A lot of research regarding magnetized HEDP physics have been investigated with the laser-driven coil target.

How can a laser-driven coil be used to measure magnetic fields?

In the case of the laser-driven coil, as one successful example, Santos et al. (2015) measured both the magnetic fields generated by the assemblies with and without the coil wire. This method can provide the proportion of the self-generated and external magnetic fields.

How to generate a strong magnetic field using high-power or high-intensity laser pulses?

In this review, we briefly introduce several approaches to generate a strong magnetic field by using high-power or high-intensity laser pulses such as spontaneous magnetic field, flux compression, laser-driven micro coils, and their applications to high-energy-density-plasma experiments.

Can a laser-driven coil generate a strong HEDP field?

A lot of research regarding magnetized HEDP physics have been investigated with the laser-driven coil target. The generation mechanism of such a strong field with the laser-driven coil is not completely understood yet because of the lack of experimental data.

How to generate a strong magnetic field over 100 t?

To realize and investigate the above phenomena in the strong magnetic field experimentally, several approaches to generate the strong magnetic field over 100 T have been proposed and developed so far: pulsed-power devices, self-generated magnetic field, magnetic flux compression, laser-driven coil, and others.

How to calculate magnetic field?

One can estimate the magnetic field by measuring the polarization of a probe laser (Zhu et al. 2018; Nakamura et al. 2018). Also in this method, the crystal should be placed far from the source like the pick-up coil.

Generation of strong magnetic fields with a laser …

As a promising new way to generate a controllable strong magnetic field, laser-driven magnetic coils have attracted interest in many research fields. In 2013, a kilotesla level magnetic field was achieved at the Gekko XII laser facility with a …

Efficient production of strong magnetic fields from ultraintense ...

An ultraintense femtosecond laser pulse was used, for the first time, to produce a strong magnetic field with controlled shapes by interactions with a capacitor-coil target with high efficiency. The …

Study of magnetic reconnection at low-𝛽 using laser-powered capacitor …

The capacitor coil targets for the magnetically driven reconnection experiments discussed here consist of two connecting parallel coils (Chien et al., 2019) designed after successful …

Kilotesla Magnetic Field due to a Capacitor-Coil Target Driven by …

For example, in experiments, a laser-driven coil [11] [12][13] has been used to generate magnetic field in range of 10 2 À 10 3 T, laser-driven magnetic-flux compression 14 …

Frontiers | Magnetohydrodynamics simulation of …

The plasma is bound by the magnetic field to move around the straight wire, and reconnection begins at 2.5 ns and continues to 4.0 ns (as shown in Figure 9). At the location where the coil magnetic field was added, …

Generation of strong magnetic fields with a laser-driven coil

As a promising new way to generate a controllable strong magnetic field, laser-driven magnetic coils have attracted interest in many research fields. In 2013, a kilotesla level magnetic field …

Study of magnetic reconnection at low

The laser-powered capacitor coil platform is facilitated by recent advances in strong external magnetic field generation using laser irradiation of a metallic coil target. 56–66 …

Study of magnetic reconnection at low-𝛽 using laser-powered …

The capacitor coil targets for the magnetically driven reconnection experiments discussed here consist of two connecting parallel coils (Chien et al., 2019) designed after successful …

Generation, measurement, and modeling of strong magnetic …

In this review, we briefly introduce several approaches to generate a strong magnetic field by using high-power or high-intensity laser pulses such as spontaneous magnetic field, flux …

Generation, measurement, and modeling of strong magnetic fields ...

In this review, we briefly introduce several approaches to generate a strong magnetic field by using high-power or high-intensity laser pulses such as spontaneous magnetic field, flux …

17.1: The Capacitor and Ampère''s Law

The magnetic field that occurs when the charge on the capacitor is increasing with time is shown at right as vectors tangent to circles. The radially outward vectors represent the vector …

Basic electronics components: diode, Led, …

The coil is an inductor and is measured in the unit Henry (H). A simple coil consists of an iron core wrapped with the copper wire. If a DC voltage is applied to a coil, the current flows through the coil and only builds up a …

Quasistationary magnetic field generation with a laser-driven …

high-energy nanosecond laser pulses in a compact setup of a capacitor connected to a single turn coil. Hot electrons ejected from the capacitor plate (cathode) are collected at the other plate …

Magnetic Field Produced by a Coil

The strength of a coil''s magnetic field increases not only with increasing current but also with each loop that is added to the coil. A long, straight coil of wire is called a solenoid and can be used …

Measurement of magnetic field of capacitor-coil target using …

(capacitor coil) . Daido[21]1986 . 1(a), …

Generation of strong magnetic fields with a laser-driven coil

As a promising new way to generate a controllable strong magnetic field, laser-driven magnetic coils have attracted interest in many research fields. In 2013, a kilotesla level …

Modeling and Optimization of Electromagnetic Conversion …

Ehiasarian et al. compared the ion flux, ion composition and time evolution of the cathode spot plasma in various magnetic field configurations where magnetoelectric …

Strong magnetic fields generated with a simple open-ended coil ...

A 205 T strong magnetic field at the center of the coil target is generated in the free space at Iλ2 of 6.85 × 1014 W cm−2 μm2, where I is the laser intensity, and λ is the laser …

Quasistationary magnetic field generation with a laser-driven capacitor …

high-energy nanosecond laser pulses in a compact setup of a capacitor connected to a single turn coil. Hot electrons ejected from the capacitor plate (cathode) are collected at the other plate …

System Level Considerations for Integration of Resonant Capacitors …

An investigation of optimized hybrid film/coil capacitors has been undertaken to define the frequency and voltage operating regime where stability, cost, and graceful aging can balance …

Frontiers | Magnetohydrodynamics simulation of magnetic …

The plasma is bound by the magnetic field to move around the straight wire, and reconnection begins at 2.5 ns and continues to 4.0 ns (as shown in Figure 9). At the location …

Pulse width dependence of magnetic field generation

Request PDF | Pulse width dependence of magnetic field generation using laser-powered capacitor coils | Megagauss magnetic fields were generated by a current flowing …

Electron acceleration in a coil target-driven low

Magnetic reconnection driven by a capacitor coil target is an innovative way to investigate low-β magnetic reconnection in the laboratory, where β is the ratio of particle …

16.2: Maxwell''s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves

A changing magnetic field induces an electromotive force (emf) and, hence, an electric field. The direction of the emf opposes the change. Equation ref{eq3} is Faraday''s law of induction and includes Lenz''s law. The electric field from a …

An Assessment of Generating Quasi-Static Magnetic Fields Using …

Our experiments at best could convert less than a percent of driving laser energy into the magnetic field at the coil, far less than the optimistic conclusions of other experiments. B-dot …