The changes to planning legislation for larger energy storage projects were first announced back in October 2019 to allow planning applications to be determined without going through the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) process.
The change in the law should make it much easier for energy storage schemes to get planning permission, to attract funding more easily, and enable them to be built more quickly. The recent UK Battery Storage Project Database Report by suggested the UK has more than 13.5GW of battery storage projects in the pipeline.
It means that most electricity storage projects, with the exception of pumped hydro schemes, can be determined through the Town and Country Planning Act, by local planning authorities. In effect this means that planning applications for projects over 50MW should, theoretically, be decided in between eight and 13 weeks depending on their size.
Energy companies and battery storage developers in the UK can now bypass the national planning process when developing large scale energy storage projects, thanks to a recent change in the law.
Whilst the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (“BEIS”) and Ofgem have been supportive of energy storage and recognise the benefits and flexibility provided by the various technologies, there is no specific legislation on or regulation of storage at present.
These projects principally provide for time-shifted electricity supply capacity and spinning reserve capacity and, whilst originally developed by the then state-owned electricity company, are now owned by commercial companies. More recently, industry participants have been turning their attention to battery storage technologies.
The German government has given the green light to EU measures that will further accelerate the approval processes for wind and solar energy projects as well power grids.
EASE welcomes the decision of the European Parliament to include all energy storage (standalone as well as co-located with renewables) under the new, accelerated …
Government will unlock investment opportunities in vital renewable energy storage technologies to strengthen energy independence, create jobs and help make Britain a …
Registration Procedure for Small-Scale Embedded Generators Version 1 Page 3 of 13 DEFINITIONS In this procedure any word or expression to which a meaning has been …
Battery Energy Storage System guide to Contingency FCAS registration AEMO | 28/06/2024 Page 4 of 13 1. Introduction 1.1. Purpose A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is capable …
The auction will offer investment and operational support for four-hour independent energy storage units, with the tendered capacity total set at 300 MW. Energy-storage projects …
Registration Procedure in terms of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulation Act, 2006 (Act No. 4 of 2006) Version 3 Page 7 5.2 The operation of any generation facility with or without energy …
What do the changes to energy storage planning law mean? Essentially, the relaxation of the planning rules means that battery storage projects above 50MW in England, and 350MW in Wales can now go ahead …
Competitive bidding procedures are among the other instruments which were mentioned in the official recommendations. In what pertains to batteries, the new regulation, …
EASE welcomes the decision of the European Parliament to include all energy storage (standalone as well as co-located with renewables) under the new, accelerated …
Each Verified Carbon Unit (VCU) represents a reduction or removal of one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO 2 e) achieved by a project. All VCUs adhere to a number of quality …
This note explains the principal technologies used for energy storage solutions, with a particular focus on battery storage, and the role that energy storage plays in the renewable energy …
This paper is to provide information to stakeholders on potential arrangements to support the registration and connection of energy storage systems (ESS) in the Wholesale Electricity …
The journey towards establishing battery storage facilities is a complex yet crucial process that directly impacts the success of renewable energy initiatives. …
What electricity storage projects have been commissioned in your jurisdiction to date? What electricity storage projects are anticipated in your jurisdiction in coming years? Is there any …
AEMO has published its latest connections scorecard, revealing that 3.5 gigawatts (GW) of wind, solar and battery projects were registered in the September quarter, surpassing last year''s …
The journey towards establishing battery storage facilities is a complex yet crucial process that directly impacts the success of renewable energy initiatives. …
This paper is to provide information to stakeholders on potential arrangements to support the registration and connection of energy storage systems (ESS) in the Wholesale Electricity …
The Participant Toolbox is a central location for useful resources to help market participants understand and prepare for the changes associated with the Integrating Energy Storage …
a viable participation of storage systems in the energy market. •Most storage systems in Germany are currently used together with residential PV plants to increase self-consumption and reduce …
What do the changes to energy storage planning law mean? Essentially, the relaxation of the planning rules means that battery storage projects above 50MW in England, …
Process Flow for Renewable Energy Power Projects EPIRA Law (RA 9136) DOE Renewable Energy Law (RA 9513) Registration & Application Pre-Development Development …