The original wet tantalum capacitors developed in the 1930s were axial capacitors, having a wound cell consisting of a tantalum anode and foil cathode separated by a paper stripe soaked with an electrolyte, mounted in a silver case and non-hermetic elastomer sealed.
They ground metallic tantalum to a powder, pressed this powder into a cylindrical form and then sintered the powder particles at high temperature between 1,500 and 2,000 °C (2,730 and 3,630 °F) under vacuum conditions, into a pellet ("slug"). These first sintered tantalum capacitors used a liquid electrolyte.
The stability and resistance to elevated temperatures of the tantalum/tantalum oxide/manganese dioxide system make solid tantalum capacitors an appropriate choice for today's surface mount assembly technology.
A tantalum lead is embedded in or welded to the pellet, which is in turn connected to a termination or lead wire. The drawings show the construction details of the surface mount types of tantalum capacitors shown in this catalog. Solid electrolyte polymer capacitors utilize sintered tantalum pellets as anodes.
This paper reports the sintering and electrical properties of Tantalum anodes made from the electron beam (EB) refined tantalum metal powder. Tantalum anodes were compacted from two different tantalum batch powders and sintered at different temperatures. Electrical properties such as capacitance and voltage were measured and CV values calculated.
These capacitors utilize a tantalum anode and tantalum case, but need a hybrid cathode made by depositing a material such as ruthenium or palladium on a small piece of tantalum foil. These large case size wet tantalums reach capacitance values of over 72,000μF at 25V and are used in energy hold-up and pulse power applications.
This paper reports the sintering and electrical properties of Tantalum anodes …
Wet electrolyte, sintered anode tantalum capacitors, often called wet slug tantalum capacitors, …
Tantalum electrolytic capacitors have performance advantages of long life, high temperature stability, and high energy storage capacity, and are widely used as energy …
Tantalum electrolytic capacitors are the preferred choice in applications where volumetric efficiency, stable electrical parameters, high reliability, and long service life are primary …
This study aims to develop a novel self-healing polymer tantalum electrolytic capacitor with low equivalent series resistance (ESR), high-frequency performance, and a …
The Tantalum pentoxide is extremely resistant to chemical attacks. It can, for example, bear concentrated sulfuric acid, and because the sulfuric acid has manifested itself …
The wet sintered tantalum electrolytic with proprietary cathode system has the highest CV product per volume unit of all polarized electrolytics. In the first hand it depends on …
This paper reports the sintering and electrical properties of Tantalum anodes made from the electron beam (EB) refined tantalum metal powder. Tantalum anodes were …
Wet electrolyte, sintered anode tantalum capacitors, often called wet slug tantalum capacitors, use a pellet of sintered tantalum powder to which a lead has been attached. Tantalum powder …
Tantalum electrolytic capacitors are the preferred choice in applications where volumetric efficiency, stable electrical parameters, high reliability, and long service life are the primary …
Tantalum anodes were compacted from two different tantalum batch powders and sintered at different temperatures. Electrical properties such as capacitance and voltage …
Wet tantalum capacitors are themselves divided into several categories according to the …
Sintered foils are currently being considered as a promising material for anode foils in capacitors due to their high specific capacitance and anti-buckling performance, which …
A solid tantalum capacitor consists of a sintered anode with an oxide formed throughout its body, creating tantalum pentoxide as the dielectric. Then, a magnesium dioxide (MnO2) or polymer …
Tantalum electrolytic capacitors are constructed using a sintered pellet of powdered tantalum as the anode of the device. A grown oxide layer on the contoured surface of the pellet acts as the …
Wet tantalum capacitors are themselves divided into several categories according to the composition of the cathode electrode. The oldest type in wide use, developed in the late …
A tantalum electrolytic capacitor is an electrolytic capacitor, a passive component of electronic circuits. It consists of a pellet of porous tantalum metal as an anode, covered by an insulating …
Tantalum electrolytic capacitors are the preferred choice in applications where volumetric …
Tantalum electrolytic capacitors are the preferred choice in applications where volumetric efficiency, stable electrical parameters, high reliability, and long service life are primary …
The wet sintered tantalum electrolytic with proprietary cathode system has …
The wet sintered tantalum electrolytic with proprietary cathode system has the highest CV product per volume unit of all polarized electrolytics. In the first hand it depends on the formation voltage that, compared to solid …
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-577X(02)00552-9 Corpus ID: 136731127; Sintering and electrical properties of tantalum anodes for capacitor applications @article{Balaji2002SinteringAE, title={Sintering …