When the electron-selective contacts and the thickness of the perovskite film are systematically modified, it is possible to distinguish between the characteristic impedance signals of the perovskite layer and those arising from the contacts.
Impedance spectroscopy (IS) is a useful technique to characterize physical processes in solar cell devices, and it has been applied extensively in perovskite solar cell research. However, the interpretation and analysis of IS results requires the use of a suitable equivalent circuit (EC).
The large capacitance at low frequency has been interpreted as an accumulation of both ionic and electronic charge in the interfaces of the perovskite with the selective contacts. (27) The most widely used equivalent circuit for impedance spectra data fitting is shown in Figure 2.
In this work we focus on the low-frequency (0.1-10 Hz) dynamics using impedance and intensity-modulated photocurrent spectroscopy and found that both perovskite solar cells (PSCs) and "viscous electrolyte contg." dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) can be described on the same fundamental grounds.
Moreover, perovskites can be a potential material for the electrolytes to improve the stability of batteries. Additionally, with an aim towards a sustainable future, lead-free perovskites have also emerged as an important material for battery applications as seen above.
Electronic properties of perovskite lead-halide photovoltaic cells were studied. The d.c. current/voltage characteristics are well fitted by a std. diode equation under optical excitation and in the dark, while the impedance spectroscopy revealed a pronounced slow process under light illumination, which is absent in the dark.
Planar perovskite solar cells (PSCs) can be made in either a regular n–i–p structure or an inverted p–i–n structure (see Fig. 1 for the meaning of n–i–p and p–i–n as …
The lead free perovskite structured (ABO 3) ceramics have been studied extensively due to their excellent electrical properties, thermal stability and eco friendliness …
Impedance spectroscopy (IS) has great potential to become a standard technique for the characterization, analysis, and diagnosis of perovskite solar cells (PSC).
The impedance spectra under illumination are dominated by the strongly reduced electrical resistance as a result of photoconduction. As a mechanism for the current …
The high-frequency response in the IMVS spectrum represents the dielectric property of the bulk perovskite layer, associated with the parallel combination of the …
The impedance response in Figure 7a shows two distinct features at low and high frequencies corresponding to dielectric relaxation and charge recombination at the interfaces of the …
Metal halide perovskites are mixed electronic–ionic semiconductors with an extraordinarily rich optoelectronic behavior and the capability to function very efficiently as active layers in solar cells, with a …
We track electronic processes in [CH3NH3]PbI3(Cl) ("perovskite") films in vacuo, and in N2, air, and O2, using impedance spectroscopy (IS), contact p.d., and surface photovoltage measurements, providing direct evidence for perovskite …
1 Introduction. Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) were first introduced to the photovoltaic research field over a decade ago with the inclusion of metal halide perovskites as the light absorber …
The rapid development of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) has astonished the photovoltaic community since 2009 [1], [2].The exceptional structural, chemical, and electronic …
The impedance response in Figure 7a shows two distinct features at low and high frequencies corresponding to dielectric relaxation and charge recombination at the interfaces of the perovskite layer and the adjacent contacts, respectively.
Metal halide perovskites are mixed electronic–ionic semiconductors with an extraordinarily rich optoelectronic behavior and the capability to function very efficiently as …
Perovskite (PVSK) has been considered as a promising material for electrochemical energy storage devices. In this paper, the conduction mechanism of rare earth …
Perovskite solar cells have achieved power-conversion efficiency values approaching those of established photovoltaic technologies, making the reliable assessment of their operational stability the next essential step …
Given the high susceptibility to degradation and decomposition in an aqueous medium, implementing halide perovskite in aqueous systems is a critical and challenging …
Impedance spectroscopy (IS) has great potential to become a standard technique for the characterisation, analysis, and diagnosis of perovskite solar cells (PSC). …
We track electronic processes in [CH3NH3]PbI3(Cl) ("perovskite") films in vacuo, and in N2, air, and O2, using impedance spectroscopy (IS), contact p.d., and surface photovoltage …
Here, we utilize a hydrofluoroether (HFE) solvent toolkit to perform nondestructive electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of methylammonium lead iodide …
High interface impedance is the main obstacle that limits the application of solid electrolyte in all-solid-state Li-ion battery. Solid–liquid composite electrolytes are possible …
The electrical behavior of this double perovskite was also studied using complex impedance spectroscopy. Electrical conduction follows Jonscher''s power law, and the …
Impedance spectroscopy (IS) provides a detailed understanding of the dynamic phenomena underlying the operation of photovoltaic and optoelectronic devices. Here …
The electrical parameters are based on the literature or from the fitting procedure. ... This difference arises from asymmetrical charge carrier density distribution in the perovskite layer. We have been able to reproduce …