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Should Europe develop a competitive lithium-ion battery?

To avoid relying on other countries to meet its energy transition goals, Europe is faced with the challenge of developing and producing competitive lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. While a promising option, Li-ion technology stills needs further development in order for mass production to be economically viable and environmentally friendly.

How will next-generation lithium-ion batteries improve energy and power density?

Next-generation lithium-ion batteries will need to offer higher energy and power densities at a lower cost. Current battery manufacturing is struggling to further improve these key metrics. The EU-funded AM4BAT project will leverage additive manufacturing technologies for fabricating 3D lithium-ion batteries.

Why is the European Union focusing on battery research?

Considering the global competition, the European Union is focusing substantial research efforts to create an improved European battery technology. Under the EU Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020, numerous calls for proposals focus on different aspects of battery research.

Can additive manufacturing improve battery manufacturing?

Current battery manufacturing is struggling to further improve these key metrics. The EU-funded AM4BAT project will leverage additive manufacturing technologies for fabricating 3D lithium-ion batteries. Using vat photopolymerisation 3D printing, the aim is to develop a high-performance battery with energy density of 400 Wh/kg for electric vehicles.

The SOLiD Project

high energy density, safe and easily recyclable solid-state Li-metal battery. The project will develop a scalable process for each of the cell layers and interlayers and demonstrate the cell …

Comau joins EU solid-state battery project ''Spinmate''

Project name ''Spinmate'' stands for "Scalable and sustainable Pilot line based on INnovative MAnufacturing TEchnologies towards the industrialization of Solid-State Batteries …


The project will be the start point of the first EU all solid-state battery value chain. Objectives As of 2025, new generations of Li batteries based on silicon/carbon (Gen. 4a) and Li metal (Gen. …

Solid Electrolyte Marks a Turning Point in High-Performance Lithium …

The SOLiDIFY project (full name is Liquid-Processed Solid-State Li-metal Battery: development of upscale materials, processes, and architectures) is based on a novel …


The SOLiDIFY project proposes a unique manufacturing process and solid-electrolyte material to fabricate Lithium-metal solid-state batteries – known as Gen. 4b on the EU battery roadmap. …

European SOLiDIFY Project Develops Advanced Lithium …

The SOLiDIFY H2020 project comprised the development of a manufacturable solid-state lithium-metal battery technology based on a unique liquid-to-solid processed solid electrolyte which is impregnated into the …


The EU-funded SEATBELT project will help to pave the road towards a cost-effective, robust all-solid-state lithium battery comprising sustainable materials by 2026. …


Solid-State Lithium Metal Battery with in situ Hybrid Electrolyte (SEATBELT) project is to generate a local EU industry that revolves around a cost-effective, robust all-solid …


New efficient Lithium batteries for electric vehicles ASTRABAT will investigate and develop a new Li-ion cell architecture with an all-solid-state electrolyte design suitable for the use of new high …


The EU-funded SEATBELT project will help to pave the road towards a cost-effective, robust all-solid-state lithium battery comprising sustainable materials by 2026. Specifically, it will achieve …

SOLiD Consortium

In 2018, Pulsedeon took part in the EU project LISA, which aimed to develop a high-energy, safe lithium-Sulphur battery for automotive integration and its is active in several EU and Finland …


Solid-State Lithium Metal Battery with in situ Hybrid Electrolyte (SEATBELT) project is to generate a local EU industry that revolves around a cost-effective, robust all-solid-state Li battery comprising sustainable materials …

Sublime Project

Developing the next generation sulfide electrolyte solid-state batteries for EV applications. Funded by EU-Horizon 2020.

European SOLiDIFY Project Develops Advanced Lithium-Metal Solid-State …

The SOLiDIFY H2020 project comprised the development of a manufacturable solid-state lithium-metal battery technology based on a unique liquid-to-solid processed solid …


The SOLiDIFY project proposes a unique manufacturing process and solid-electrolyte material to fabricate Lithiummetal solid-state batteries – known as Gen. 4b on the EU battery roadmap. The concept is based on a solid …

Gen. 4b Solid State Li-ion battery by additive manufacturing

The EU-funded AM4BAT project will leverage additive manufacturing technologies for fabricating 3D lithium-ion batteries. Using vat photopolymerisation 3D printing, …


ASTRABAT project releases new video on its latest material innovation in all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries Press release — 25 Oct 2023. 26 October 2023 – "We''ve tripled the energy …

SOLiDIFY consortium unveil solid-state battery with 1,070 Wh/L …

The Horizon 2020 SOLiDIFY consortium has successfully developed a high-performance lithium-metal solid-state battery with 20% higher energy density than current …

Breakthrough: solid-state battery hits 25% energy density gain

A groundbreaking solid-state lithium battery, developed by the European H2020 Solidify consortium led by imec, has achieved an impressive energy density of 1070 Wh/L, …

Helena Project

HELENA achieves its first major milestone with the assembly of a complete solid-state battery cell with halide electrolyte. The European HELENA Project, funded by the …

All Solid-sTate Reliable BATtery for 2025 | ASTRABAT | Project

To meet this goal, the EU-funded ASTRABAT project intends to find optimal solid-state cell materials, components and architecture that can be mass-produced to meet electric …