Achieving a green, low-carbon economy necessitates clarifying the impacts of government photovoltaic (PV) subsidies on enterprise independent innovation in China. This study constructs a tripartite evolutionary game model among government, enterprises, and energy regulatory service centers (ERSC).
Since state-owned PV enterprises have a greater need to serve government objectives to secure legitimacy, the government should also emphasize the strategic priority of innovation rather than production explosion to stimulate the R&D efforts of state-owned PV enterprises.
The purpose of this research is to explore the impacts of government subsidies on promoting enterprise innovation in the PV industry in pursuit of renewable energy goals. Theoretical analysis show that government subsidies paly an essential role in promoting enterprises innovation.
In China, since state-owned PV enterprises have a greater need to serve government objectives to secure legitimacy, PV enterprises with a higher proportion of state-owned shares are usually less likely to conduct risky innovation activities than private ones.
PV enterprises can submit requests for energy subsidies to ERSC, which then presents these requests to relevant government departments. The ERSC serves as an information hub, providing feedback on government policies to enterprises and offering guidance and recommendations.
enterprises . Here, PV enterprises’ fixed capital is used to denote the size. PV enterprise. In China, managers in state-owned PV en- more reluctant to carry out innovation activities . Profit refers to the market profit. Market profit can create enterprises . With sufficient innovation efforts, PV profits in the market .
PVTIME – On September 5, 2023, JA Solar became the first Chinese private sector and the world''s first solar PV company member of the World Business Council for Sustainable …
Enterprise is the main and direct receiver of PV subsidies, it is necessary to study the effect of government subsidy from a micro perspective, which can help us to master and …
China is a world leader in the global solar photovoltaic industry, and has rapidly expanded its distributed solar photovoltaic (DSPV) power in recent years. However, China''s DSPV power is still ...
Achieving a green, low-carbon economy necessitates clarifying the impacts …
The Chinese state-owned enterprise interconnected 12.5 GWdc in 2022, which amounts to more than the capacity installed by the top 15 non-Chinese asset owners combined. China Huaneng Group and CHN Energy …
The Chinese state-owned enterprise interconnected 12.5 GWdc in 2022, which amounts to more than the capacity installed by the top 15 non-Chinese asset owners …
The paper pursues a mixed methods approach of conducting both quantitative and qualitative content analysis of corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports in two types of …
Achieving a green, low-carbon economy necessitates clarifying the impacts of government photovoltaic (PV) subsidies on enterprise independent innovation in China. This …
This report provides trends and evolutions in the ownership and governance of state-owned enterprises across nearly 59 jurisdictions worldwide. It complements the OECD …
Our multiple case study design enabled us to explicate specific actions that entrepreneurs founding China''s private solar photovoltaic (PV) firms took as they built organizational …
The innovation of this study lies in: (i) to conduct a comprehensive examination of the innovation effectiveness of Chinese photovoltaic firms via the lens of enterprise …
Enterprise is the main and direct receiver of PV subsidies, it is necessary to …
R&D funds, scientific research personnel and corporate fixed assets are used with less efficacy in state-owned photovoltaic enterprises. There is negative correlation …
While investor engagement with industries such as coal, steel and oil & gas …
Own refers to the proportion of state-owned shares in a PV enterprise. In China, managers in state-owned PV enterprises may not get rewarded from the innovation efforts, but …
Both companies are wholly owned and controlled by Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd, a Chinese state-owned enterprise. Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd is ultimately owned and controlled by the Shanghai Industrial …
state-owned PV enterprises have a greater need to serve government objectives to secure legitimacy, the government should also emphasize the strategic priority of innovation
In this paper, we construct a Stackelberg-Cournot tripartite game model and discuss the impact of tariff policy on the privatization of the state-owned enterprise, …
R&D funds, scientific research personnel and corporate fixed assets are used …
Own refers to the proportion of state-owned shares in a PV enterprise. In …
While investor engagement with industries such as coal, steel and oil & gas over climate change has focused on the private sector, SOEs are critical participants in reducing …
effects, and encourage private sector growth. SOEs play an important role in economic activity FIGURE 1 SOEs dominate in network and primary sectors (equity value, 2015). Source: …
An actual and meaningful research direction is the analysis of the differences between state-owned and private enterprises (Lazzarini and Musacchio 2018 ... published by …
Various factors are shaping solar PV development, especially relative to that of wind power. Solar energy resource potential is a crucial factor in solar PV (photovoltaic) …