This study explores the practicality of power generation from road speed bumps by harvesting the energy of moving vehicles using a mechanical speed bump design with rack-andpinion mechanism and spring system. It includes design analysis and prototype fabrication.
A traffic energy-harvesting device (TEHD) is capable of harvesting vehicle energy when passing over a speed bump. This paper presents a classification of the different technologies used in existing TEHDs. Moreover, an estimation of the energy that could be harvested with the different technologies and their cost has been elaborated.
Md. Rakibul Hasan Roni; Experimental approach to effective power generation from portable speed bump power generation system. 25 February 2021; 2324 (1): 060003. This study aims for recovering energy from portable speedbump where a vehicle’s kinetic and potential energy is utilized and converted to electrical energy.
Speed bumps are often used on roads to reduce vehicle’s speed to ensure safety at junctions, crossings and checkpoints. In this study, an approach to build portable electricity generating speed bump is conducted, where problems of existing SBPG systems are tried to compensate.
A movable semi-circular speed bump collects the waste kinetic energy of the traffic moving on the road. Hence, the electrical equipment installed on or beside the road can be powered by MEH. When a car runs over a speed bump, it is displaced downward by the weight of the vehicle.
The speed bump moves downward and upward alternately, and the force is transmitted to the generator to generate electricity through the transmission mechanism. The simplified kinematics model is shown in Fig. 9.
This study explores the practicability of a large-scale power generation from road speed bumps by harvesting moving vehicle energy using mechanical speed bump …
As the energy input, the speed bump module captures the kinetic energy of moving vehicles. The transmission module contains a spatial double V-shaped mechanism to …
217 218 219 Table 4: Patents of electromagnetic TEHDs Publication number Author(s)a US7102244 (B2) Hunter (2006) US7589428 (B2) Ghassemi (2008) US2009173589 (A1) …
This study explores the practicality of power generation from road speed bumps by harvesting the energy of moving vehicles using a mechanical speed bump design with rack …
In the current study, a novel movable-speed bump based mechanical energy-harvesting device was designed, modelled and fabricated to harvest waste kinetic energy of …
Among them, speed bump power generator (SBPG) system is very important because urban crowd is growing day by day and traffic density is increasing too. Speed bumps …
A traffic energy-harvesting device (TEHD) is capable of harvesting vehicle energy when passing over a speed bump. This paper presents a classification of the different …
Power bumps are innovative energy harvesting devices similar to flat speed bumps but recover the energy wasted by vehicle brakes in decelerating lanes. They reduce …
This study explores the practicality of power generation from road speed bumps by harvesting the energy of moving vehicles using a mechanical speed bump design with rack-andpinion mechanism and ...
The speed bump is capable of adjusting the cushioning strength in real time according to the speed of the vehicle and is equipped with a power generation facility. When a vehicle passes …
A traffic energy-harvesting device (TEHD) is capable of harvesting vehicle energy when passing over a speed bump. This paper …
We have developed an energy recovery device - a speed bump plate that drives a generator to produce electricity when the car passes over the speed bump and stores the generated …
The proposed system consists of a speed bump module, a transmission module, a generator module and an energy storage module. The speed bump module is installed on …
In the current study, a novel movable-speed bump based mechanical energy …
A Traffic Energy Harvesting Device (TEHD) is capable of harvesting vehicle energy when passing over a speed bump. This paper presents a classification of the different technologies used in …
The suggested system comprises four modules: speed bump module, transmission module, generator module and power storage module. As the energy input, the …
A REHS can harvest the kinetic energy from passing vehicles. This paper introduces the design, simulation, experimentation and estimation of a novel REHS based on …
Energy Storage (CAES) ... Energy harvesting, Artificial road bumps, Compressed air, ... Meshing of the speed bump. Fig. 7: Simulation of the road bump fatigue-stress
In this paper, a novel mechanical energy harvester (MEH) based on a movable speed bump, which is integrated to a rack and gear mechanism with a combination of one-way …
A. Sherren et al. DOI: 10.4236/ojee.2022.112003 28 Open Journal of Energy Efficiency 3.1. Mechanical Design and SOLIDWORKS 3D Model The harvester will be embedded beneath …