Consistency evaluation features can be extracted online. An improved fuzzy clustering algorithm is developed to evaluate pack consistency. The proposed methods are validated by nine months of electric vehicle data. Consistency is an essential factor affecting the operation of lithium-ion battery packs.
Inconsistent evaluation: These methods aim to evaluate the inconsistency of parameters by using machine learning algorithms to reflect the performance of battery pack. Fan et al. proposed a parameter consistency model based on the generative adversarial network (GAN) for the battery pack.
To improve the safety monitoring of EVs and cooperate with prognostics and health management (PHM), the evaluation method of battery pack consistency is gradually receiving attention [18, 19]. High-quality feature engineering is important for reliable consistency evaluation.
Qian et al. evaluated the consistency of grouped lithium-ion batteries based on characteristic peaks of incremental capacity curves. This method can quickly describe the consistency issue of battery packs and can be applied during the charging process of battery packs.
It is of great significance to establish an effective evaluation method for the safe, efficient and reliable operation of the system. Battery pack is a complex electrical thermal coupling system, and there are many factors affecting its performance .
In Ref. , the voltage variation rate is employed to evaluate the pack consistency. Model-based: These approaches employ filters or parameter identification algorithms to estimate the battery parameters. Then, the pack consistency is evaluated by the parameter distribution.
Performance Evaluation of Lithium Battery Pack based on MATLAB Simulation with lumped parameter thermal model. ... the method proposed in this paper considered the …
Abstract. With the rapid development of new energy vehicles, a large number of lithium batteries have been produced, used, and then retired. The full utilization and safe use …
The hazards of battery pack inconsistency include increasing system failure …
To solve this problem, a non-destructive testing method for capacity consistency of lithium-ion battery pack based on 1-D magnetic field scanning is proposed in this article. …
To solve this problem, a non-destructive testing method for capacity …
To resolve the problem that the terminal voltage of the battery cannot effectively reflect the internal differences between cells, four parameters including Ohmic resistance, polarization …
An inconsistency evaluation method is deployed for the battery pack based on an improved Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and feature fusion approach that allows the open …
A battery module consisting of 12 cells connected in series was used for the evaluation, and the proposed method achieved high accuracy. Furthermore, an empirical model for module SOH estimation based on the …
The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method performs …
This study proposes an evaluation method for the consistency of lithium-ion battery packs in EVs based on the Mahalanobis-Taguchi system (MTS). First, a Douglas …
In this paper, battery consistency evaluation methods based on multi-feature weighting and clustering analysis are proposed. The impulse excitation method guarantees the …
An effective method to estimate the integrated state of charge (SOC) value for the lithium-ion battery (LIB) pack is proposed, because of its capacity state estimation needs in …
Improved lithium batteries are in high demand for consumer electronics and electric vehicles. In order to accurately evaluate new materials and components, battery cells …
The method for battery pack lifetime prognostics is proposed in this section. ... Z Deng, X Hu, X Lin, et al. General discharge voltage information enabled health evaluation for …
The hazards of battery pack inconsistency include increasing system failure rate, reducing service performance and accelerating life decay. Inconsistency evaluation methods …
An inconsistency evaluation method is deployed for the battery pack based on …
Improved lithium batteries are in high demand for consumer electronics and …
Key words: data modeling; coupling relationship model; lithium battery pack; multi-parameter optimization; power state evaluation Corresponding author: Shun-Li Wang. Tel: +86 …
was presented in [28], where the definitions of battery cells and pack SOH were also discussed. Discussions on battery SOH estimation methods and management systems are pro …
Request PDF | On Jan 22, 2022, Shunli Wang published A novel power state evaluation method for the lithium battery packs based on the improved external measurable parameter coupling …
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Evaluation method for consistency of lithium-ion battery packs in electric vehicles based on the Mahalanobis-Taguchi system" by A. F. Li et …
By monitoring the terminal voltage, current and temperature, BMS can evaluate the status of the Li-ion batteries and manage the operation of cells in a battery pack, which is …
By monitoring the terminal voltage, current and temperature, BMS can evaluate the status of the Li-ion batteries and manage the operation of cells in a battery pack, which is fundamental for the high efficiency operation …
Based on this, this paper proposed a novel method for lithium-ion battery SOH estimation, which relied on the reconstruction of battery voltage data. ... a battery pack …
The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method performs excellent generalization to different battery types, fault degrees, and combinations of noise. Moreover, …
In this paper, battery consistency evaluation methods based on multi-feature …
An effective method to estimate the integrated state of charge (SOC) value …