State company Y-TEC, the tech arm of YPF, will open the first lithium battery cell factory in September, in La Plata, the capital of Buenos Aires province. Another plant, five times bigger, will kick off in Santiago del Estero in 2024.
POSCO Holdings has started construction of a lithium commercialization plant in Argentina. POSCO Group is the first to produce lithium hydroxide for batteries in Argentina throughout the entire process from the acquisition of mining rights to exploration, construction and operation of a production plant.
Four new projects will finally begin to churn out lithium in the weeks and months ahead, according to a yet-to-be released federal government time-line seen by Bloomberg News. That will almost double production capacity in Argentina, whose growth potential has long lured the attention of battery makers around the world.
For all the money that’s poured into Argentina’s giant lithium deposits, the country has seen just one new mine come on stream in almost a decade. That’s about to change. Four new projects will finally begin to churn out lithium in the weeks and months ahead, according to a yet-to-be released federal government time-line seen by Bloomberg News.
The plant will generate 15 megawatts per year, which means it will produce lithium batteries capable of powering 2500 households. The batteries are envisaged for use in rural areas. For example, there is already a Buenos Aires province-backed project to supply the Paulino-Berisso island, home to 70 families who are currently off the power grid.
The battery project is linked to another, more ambitious one, that of YPF Lithium, YPF’s business unit that intends to compete in the exploration and production of lithium carbonate in northern Argentina.
Prototype solid-state batteries are projected to appear in specific markets by 2025, particularly in premium electric vehicles. Broader availability is expected by 2030, while …
In 2022, some 33,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate were produced – around 5% of global production. Given the magnitude of Argentina''s resources, this position could escalate rapidly: the country is estimated to be …
13 · Mining giant Rio Tinto has announced a $2.5 billion investment to expand its Rincon lithium project in Argentina, with plans to produce up to 60,000 tonnes of battery-grade …
Four new projects will finally begin to churn out lithium in the weeks and months ahead, according to a yet-to-be released federal government time-line seen by Bloomberg …
2 · Rio Tinto said its investment in Rincón would take its production capacity from 3,000 …
2 · Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO) plans to invest $2.5bn at its Rincon lithium project in Argentina. …
The latest findings from Taipei-based intelligence provider TrendForce show that all-solid-state battery production volumes could have GWh levels by 2027. The rapid expansion will lead to cell ...
POSCO Group plans to become one of the top three global lithium production companies by 2030 based on salt, ore and waste battery recycling at the group level, including …
2 · Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO) plans to invest $2.5bn at its Rincon lithium project in Argentina. The aim is to lift production capacity at Rincon to 60,000 tonnes of battery-grade lithium …
CATL goes all in for 500 Wh/kg solid-state EV battery mass production. CATL''s prototype solid-state batteries have an impressive energy density of 500 Wh/kg, a 40 percent …
Toyota, Nissan, and Samsung have begun pilot production of all-solid-state batteries, reports TrendForce. Production volumes could reach GWh levels by 2027. ... TrendForce projects that, by 2030, if the scale of all …
Innovative manufacturing techniques are also required to ensure efficient and scalable production of solid-state batteries. As these challenges are overcome, solid-state …
2 · Rio Tinto said its investment in Rincón would take its production capacity from 3,000 tons to 60,000 tons per year by 2028. ... Argentina was the world''s fourth-biggest producer of …
Buenos Aires — Last week, Argentina''s President Alberto Fernández visited the first Argentine lithium cells and batteries manufacturing plant belonging to Y-TEC, a company …
Samsung SDI announced in spring that it would achieve an energy density of 900 Wh/L with its solid-state batteries and be able to start mass production in 2027. At SNE …
Discover the future of energy storage with solid-state batteries! This article explores the innovative materials behind these high-performance batteries, highlighting solid …
Argentina plans to start producing battery cells for electric cars in September 2023. The production plant, built by the state-owned energy research company Y-TEC, will use lithium carbonate extracted from Livent in northern …
POSCO Group plans to become one of the top three global lithium production companies by 2030 based on salt, ore and waste battery recycling at the group level, including POSCO Argentina, POSCO Lithium …
Explore the exciting potential of solid state batteries in our latest article, which examines their advantages over traditional lithium-ion technology. Discover how these …
Discover the innovative world of solid state batteries and their game-changing components in this insightful article. Uncover the materials that make up these advanced …
2 · The British-Australian mining group Rio Tinto is investing $2.5 billion in expanding its …
State company Y-TEC, the tech arm of YPF, will open the first lithium battery cell factory in September, in La Plata, the capital of Buenos Aires province. Another plant, five times bigger, will kick off in Santiago del Estero in …
13 · Mining giant Rio Tinto has announced a $2.5 billion investment to expand its …
Argentina plans to start producing battery cells for electric cars in September 2023. The production plant, built by the state-owned energy research company Y-TEC, will …
In 2022, some 33,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate were produced – around 5% of global production. Given the magnitude of Argentina''s resources, this position could …
Four new projects will finally begin to churn out lithium in the weeks and months ahead, according to a yet-to-be released federal government time-line seen by Bloomberg News. That will almost double production …
State company Y-TEC, the tech arm of YPF, will open the first lithium battery cell factory in September, in La Plata, the capital of Buenos Aires province. Another plant, five …
Explore the future of solid state batteries and discover the companies leading this innovative wave. From QuantumScape to Toyota, learn how these pioneers are enhancing …
Buenos Aires — Last week, Argentina''s President Alberto Fernández visited the first Argentine lithium cells and batteries manufacturing plant belonging to Y-TEC, a company that is part of state-owned energy giant …
2 · The British-Australian mining group Rio Tinto is investing $2.5 billion in expanding its Rincon project in Argentina. The Rincon mine will supply up to 60,000 tonnes of battery-grade …