Graphene and graphene hybrid nanocomposites can be used as inhibitors in protective coatings to prevent corrosion of underlying metals in oxidizing chemicals, water or air for longer periods 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Moreover, the graphene electrodes show a high specific capacitance of 254 F·g − 1 at the current density of 50 mA·g − 1 and still remain as high as 211 F·g − 1 at the high current density of 5000 mA·g − 1.
Graphene is an excellent candidate in anticorrosion coatings due to its impermeability to all gases and salts. In the past, materials like fullerenes and exfoliated or intercalated clay have been used for anticorrosion applications, but those materials are highly insulating and also hydroscopic.
Graphene can be used to prevent corrosion of metals such as steel (Nature Nanotechnology2014). The article discusses this in detail and is available to you via your institution. Corrosion is triggered by environmental factors like water, oxygen, and electrolytes.
In an anticorrosion application, graphene has to be used as one component in a multicomponent coating dispersion. Incorporating graphene into such a coating formulation is still a challenge. Functionalizing graphene can be a solution.
Graphene coatings offer several advantages over steel in terms of corrosion resistance. They make the path of permeating water more tortuous and act as an excellent barrier to water, oxygen and other corrosive materials due to the impermeability of pristine graphene. Additionally, graphene has a higher electrical conductivity than steel.
We report the use of atomically thin layers of graphene as a protective coating that inhibits corrosion of underlying metals. Here, we employ electrochemical methods to study …
This paper describes two main applications of graphene oxide for corrosion protection. The research on coatings and corrosion inhibitors of modified graphene oxide in …
In this paper, two corrosion inhibition materials, LDH containing MoO 4 2-and SDBS, were synthesized using graphene as the carrier, and the effects of different corrosion …
DOI: 10.1016/J.CARBON.2012.09.013 Corpus ID: 95586824; Graphene oxide as a corrosion inhibitor for the aluminum current collector in lithium ion batteries …
This paper describes two main applications of graphene oxide for corrosion protection. The research on coatings and corrosion inhibitors of modified graphene oxide in recent years is summarized, including different …
Corrosion is a deterioration of a metal due to reaction with environment. The use of corrosion inhibitors is one of the most effective ways of protecting metal surfaces against corrosion. …
the effect of graphene quality on its ability to act as a corrosion inhibitor by varying the defect density of graphene. Graphene was grown directly on copper foil and ozone treatment was …
In this work, introduces a new type of corrosion inhibitors for stainless steel 316 (SS316) in hydrochloric acid (HCl) media. These new organic inhibitors has been …
The study found that different graphene oxide (GO)-based corrosion inhibitors had high inhibitory efficiency at high temperatures. Because the GO were created from scrap graphite, this work offers the added benefit of …
Graphene as one of green inhibitors draw significant attention in the corrosion protection for metals and alloys owing to their excellent chemical and physical performances …
It was observed that PAP-GO acts as better inhibitor for mild steel corrosion and it showed maximum inhibition efficiency of 92.86% at as low as 25 mgL⁻¹ concentration.
Great aqueous dispersibility, a large specific surface area, and high impermeability make graphene oxide (GO) the ideal candidate for a high-performance corrosion inhibitor. Numerous symmetrical modification methods …
Great aqueous dispersibility, a large specific surface area, and high impermeability make graphene oxide (GO) the ideal candidate for a high-performance …
Graphene oxide grafted with dopamine as an efficient corrosion inhibitor for oil well acidizing environments. ... it is said to behave like a constant phase element or CPE …
The study found that different graphene oxide (GO)-based corrosion inhibitors had high inhibitory efficiency at high temperatures. Because the GO were created from scrap …
The GO-based aqueous corrosion inhibitors are a new area gaining attention from corrosion scientists. This chapter features the major works on graphene and its …
capacitors and batteries. For capacitor and battery applications graphene also needs to be made in proper engineered forms. Normally, graphene has very low packing
Our work reveals that embedding the graphene@SiO 2 composites into an anticorrosive coating greatly enhances their corrosion resistance; the SiO 2 grown on …
Corrosion inhibition mechanism of two multifunctional nanostructured inhibitors, including graphene oxide/silver nanostructure (GO-Ag) and carbon quantum …
Graphene-based coatings showed an excellent corrosion inhibition capability when compared with current chromate-free anticorrosion technology, and comparable …
Moroever, graphene and graphene hybrid nanocomposites can be used as inhibitors in protective coatings to prevent oxidation of underlying metals in oxidizing …
1. Introduction Corrosion is a destructive phenomenon that results in huge economic losses and many safety issues. 1–3 The global cost of corrosion is estimated to be $2.5 trillion (USD) …
The study concluded that the use of graphene oxide as a corrosion inhibitor markedly improved the resistance and performance of Al6061 in ethylene glycol/water, with graphene oxide …