1 Introduction. As a flexible resource with rapid response ability, an energy storage system can assist a renewable energy power plant to complete its power trading by tracking the scheduling plan (Guo et al., 2023) and power …
However, this research aims to enhance the efficiency of solar power generation systems in a smart grid context using machine learning hybrid models such as Hybrid …
This chapter proposes a profit-sharing mechanism for aggregating renewable …
Compared with VRE sources, concentrating solar power (CSP) is an emerging …
Concentrating solar power (CSP) has been advocated as a promising technology to mitigate the uncertainty in variable renewables generation due to its thermal storage capability. In …
In this paper, a joint offering scheme of CSP and wind power is proposed, and an incentive profit sharing mechanism is presented for fair profit allocation among CSP and wind power. The …
On this basis, the proposed operating strategy covers three objective …
In this paper, a joint offering scheme of CSP and wind power is proposed, and an incentive …
The revenue sharing model based on the minimum cost-remaining savings (MCRS) method can significantly increase overall revenue for renewable energy plants by …
Therefore, the MCRS method is recommend as a fair, efficient, rational and computational feasible allocation method for hybrid generation system with large number of …
According to the International Energy Agency, there are some circumstances where solar photovoltaic (PV) is now the cheapest electricity source in history. 4 This is …
We provide an overview of factors affecting solar PV power forecasting and an overview of existing PV power forecasting methods in the literature, with a specific focus on …
@article{Wu2020ProfitSharingMF, title={Profit-Sharing Mechanism for Aggregation of Wind …
Contrary to popular belief, the financial benefits of solar energy don''t stem from selling excess power back to the grid but from significant savings and credits.. Unfortunately, selling your …
In summary, this study formulates an objective function that minimizes the investment cost, operation cost, penalty cost, and wind/solar power abandonment cost of the …
In this article, we propose a profit-sharing mechanism to incentivize the joint offering of CSP …
@article{Wu2020ProfitSharingMF, title={Profit-Sharing Mechanism for Aggregation of Wind Farms and Concentrating Solar Power}, author={Zhaoyuan Wu and Ming Zhou and Jianxiao Wang …
On this basis, the proposed operating strategy covers three objective functions, namely, expected radius and midpoint of the hybrid power generation company''s profit …
This chapter presents the important features of solar photovoltaic (PV) generation and an overview of electrical storage technologies. The basic unit of a solar PV generation system is a …
Compared with VRE sources, concentrating solar power (CSP) is an emerging controllable renewable generation technique that utilizes solar thermal power to generate …
In this article, we propose a profit-sharing mechanism to incentivize the joint offering of CSP and wind power aggregation. The joint offering strategy is formulated as a two-stage stochastic …
The output of wind and photovoltaic power has strong randomness and volatility. The current output model of wind and solar combined power generation systems is not …
The performance of solar energy sharing can be further improved by controlling aggregated batteries [38, 39]. With wind power, an online algorithm was proposed to share …
This chapter proposes a profit-sharing mechanism for aggregating renewable energy resources as a cooperative game. On the one hand, the proposed mechanism aims at …
Therefore, this paper intends to fill this gap, focusing on the cost-sharing of solar PV power generation projects, to analyze investment allocation and profit-sharing among the …